Hierarchy of Things

Click to Change Title


How To Use

To change the title of the chart or a tier: simply left-click on it. To change the color of a tier, right-click on the colored portion. Double-click on a tier to add an image to it, and right-click that image to destroy it. To move images: simply drag them.

You'll have to upload your own images to another website such as Imgur or ImgBB, and copy the link into the prompt that comes up when trying to add an image. In order to save your Hierarchy of Things: take a screenshot and save it to your device.

If your image does not appear: you have pasted an invalid URL, or the host website has blocked hotlinking. If the URL is invalid: copy it again. Many websites don't allow hotlinking, and there's nothing you can do about it, but if you use one of the services listed above: you should always be able to hotlink your image, so long as it is not removed.

Report bugs and suggest features on the GitHub Page. Created by Amelia May Johnson.